Many people suffer from Pesah neuroses. I do too for example the word is Pesah not Paysach. There is a segol under the letter פ so it can only be Pesah. But I understand that some things will not be able to be changed. And that's just one word that I can't stand.
But I'm not referring to that or even to the pathological fear of kitniyot. I'm talking about the need for absolutely everything in the house to be boiled or blow torched and every item must have a KLP - kosher for Pesah symbol on it.

Now for food products remember Pesah is only 8 days. All you really need is matza, wine/grape juice, meat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. There are many things that are available on the Seattle Vaad list. It is very comprehensive and has many things for Sephardim to buy. For any specific question on food products just let me know.
On medicines, any tablet pill that has no taste is permitted on Pesah e.g. blood pressure medication. Any medication that is a liquid or has a sweet coating should be sold for Pesah. If there is a real need please call me directly.
Just one small note on pet food. All kashrut agencies recommend the purchase of pet food which is hametz free. Not because the animals need it but because we cannot own hametz even hametz which only a dog would eat.
Wishing you all a wonderful Pesah and hopefully not too stressful a time in the lead up.
Thank you, Rabbi! Finally somebody speaks about about PEH-sach... segol!