What is
Lag LaOmer all about? (Sephardim call it Lag LaOmer and Ashkenazim call it Lag

LaOmer is most commonly connected to three personalities Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi
Shimon Bar Yochai and Bar Kochba. Rabbi Akiva was Rabbi Shimon's teacher for many years and
their are several stories in the Talmud and Kabbalah about their
relationship. These personalities lived 60 years afters the destruction of the Second Temple.
Talmud (Yevamot 62b) tells us that Rabbi Akiva had 12,000 pairs of
students and all of them died in one period of time because they did not
conduct themselves with respect towards one another. They all died between
Pesach and Shavuot. The main rabbinic tradition has been to use this time period as a time to work on our relationships. According to the Rabbis of the Geonic Period the day when
Rabbi Akiva's students stopped dying was on the 33rd day of the omer what we
call Lag LaOmer.
Akiva went on to teach 5 more students one of whom was Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. The two great scholars would teach and learn Torah in secret against the ruling of harsh Roman decrees. Rabbi Akiva was the leading rabbi against the Romans and started a rebellion against the Romans which was led militarily by Bar Kochba.
At first there was great success and the Jews established their own sovereignty over the land of Israel and even minted their own coins. But for a number of reasons the revolt failled and the Romans came to put down the rebellion.
According to some commentators and historians Rabbi Akiva's 24000 students actually died fighting in this revolt against the Romans. It actually makes a lot of sense to say this because after the Romans put the revolt down around 135 CE, there was no major Jewish presence in the land of Israel until the late 19th Century. So the sad part of the Omer is really a mourning of the end of Jewish sovereignty in Israel.

Happy Lag LaOmer!
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