One of my favorite customs on
Rosh Hashana are the special foods that we eat in the evening meals and the
prayers/requests that we say when we eat them. This custom is universally
called using the Hebrew word simanim but in Seattle we call it by the
Ladino - Yehi Ratzones.
Although this is mainly a
Sephardic custom the idea of these special foods goes back to the Talmud. In Masekhet
Horayot it mentions that certain fruits and vegetables should be seen on
our tables on Rosh Hashana whereas in Masekhet Keritut these special
foods should be eaten. In a third version the yehi ratzones need only be
brought to the table.

Some questioned this practice
because it looks like we believe by eating or seeing these foods automatically
we will have a good year and this could be a form of divination or sorcery.
However, many halakhic decisors come to the defense of this beautiful custom by
stating these are merely omens and our sincere wish for a good year ahead. As a
result it is the yehi ratzones – the prayers or requests that are said
over these items which are far more significant. It is not the eating of them
that we believe will cause a good year rather it is our hope that Hashem will
grant us a good year.

These special supplications or bakashot
are very poetic and are generally word plays on the fruits. Jerry Adatto
brought to my attention the flowery language that Reverend David de Sola Pool
used in the Spanish and Portuguese Rosh Hashana Prayer Book for these
supplications. He doesn’t just translate the Hebrew supplication he uses
beautiful artistic license too. For example on leeks he says “like as we eat
this leek, may our luck never lack in the year to come”. Even though the Hebrew
talks of our enemies being cut down from before us. On beets he writes “As we
bite this beet, may those who in the past have beaten us or sought our harm
beat to cover in the coming year”. On this occasion this is a paraphrase of the
Hebrew but it shows you his literary style.
It has become a great game which
I love to play using word plays in different languages not just in Hebrew. For
example Rabbi Heinemann introduced a now famous custom throughout the
Jewish world to take lettuce, half a raisin and celery as an indication to
“let us have a raise in salary”. The Rubissa likes to put out cinnamon cookies
and say “may our sins be kept to a minimum”. I am sure that you can all come up
with your own funny puns for your own tables.
Wishing you and your families not
only a good year ahead. But a year of finding the deeper meanings behind our
beautiful customs. May we all grow together and invigorate our wonderful
Tizku LeShanim Rabbot Neimot VeTovot
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